Prime Time CA Living show host Aprilanne Hurley rides in Half Moon Bay, CA, chats with Food & Wine Expert John Ash, reports from the studio kitchen, and takes in a spa day "California Living" Style


with Aprilanne

"Find out why it's just more FUNLiving in California"



 CA Living logo

California Giving

spacerCalifornia Living with Aprilanne loves to feature people and organizations that help make the world a better place - and with more than 1,500 nonprofit organizations in our little county alone - we don't have to look too far to find good causes to spotlight - although sometimes the "causes" find us, like Producer, Actress Helen Hunt's TrueNorth Campaign, which we featured prime time in CA Living's IN THE SPOTLIGHTprogram. Check it out on the right, and take a look at some of the great "causes" we are proud to feature "IN THE SPOTLIGHT"below:

Marin Humane Society Puppy with Santa Hat

"Hello God - are you there? It's me - Scruffy..."

California Giving™ Idea #5 - Make a difference in the life of Marin's less fortunate pets by donating pet food & toys to the Marin Humane Society.

This is an easy and fun  giving activity to get younger children involved in, and each donation will be used to fill gift bags for MHS SHARE Program  (stands for Special Human-Animal Relationships) which provides pet food, veterinary care, home visits, and emergency boarding for pets for more than 200 low-income seniors and disabled clients and their pets in times of need.   

You can also help the Marin Humane Society by donating, volunteering, and/or  by adopting a new puppy, kitten, or loving older dog or cat from their Bell Marin Keys, Novato CA Animal Hospital and Shelter.   Please check out the Marin Humane Society website for more info. or call 415.883.4621 - and thanks for sharing!  Aprilanne

Aprilanne says: "I worked with the Marine Humane Society when I was in news; and have adopted 2 pets with them over the years. Marin Humane Society is recognized as one of America's best charities by ICA, In dependant Charities of America which certifies charities that meet the highest standards of accountability and effectiveness."


Baby squirrel getting bottle feed at WildCare Animal Hospital

California Giving™ Ideas #3 & #4. Become a WildCare Volunteer or donate to help our wildlife. You can train to become a volunteer at the WildCare Hospital - the bonus is - you'll gain as much or more than the animals will from this incredibly rewarding experience...

#4 If you can't be there in person - sign up for the next best thing by "Sponsoring a Group of Baby Animals." You can also make a donation to WildCare - a trusted nonprofit "urban wildlife rehabilitation center" in downtown San Rafael, CA. - and show your support by sending an eCard like the one below this season...

WildCare Holiday Card image of two birds

Aprilanne says: "I worked with WildCare as a TV News Reporter on a few occasions and even got the chance to hold (or shall I say charm) a King Snake for an episode I did on "Good Snakes to have in your Garden." I found WildCare's staff and community programs to be top-notch."

WildCare is also a great spot to visit with children (we were regulars when my children were younger), and we have brought in a few injured birds over the years and were impressed with their genuine care, concern."


Adopt A Seal Brochure

California Giving Idea # 1: "Adopt a Seal" representing a species of Marine Mammals in need of rescue, rehabilitation and release services with the Marine Mammal Centers 'Adopt A Seal" Program:

The Marine Mammal Center's Adopt A Seal Program

Adopt A Seal logo

For a minimum donation of $30.00 you will receive:

  • Photo of your Adoptee
  • Personalized Certificate of Adoption
  • Animal Biography
  • Recent issue of TMMC Newsletter - "Release"
  • Satisfaction you have helped a marine mammal in distress

Contact The Marine Mammal Center and Adopt A Seal today!!! Please visit or call 415.289.7339


California Giving Idea # 1: "Share A Meaningful Experience" with The Center for Volunteerism and NonProfit Leadership of Marin's Holiday Gifts Of Love 2009 Program:

Holiday gifts of love logo

Aprilanne says - "this is one of the best resources you can go to when looking for a reliable nonprofit organization to work with or for." "I researched and reported on CVNL'S Holiday Gifts of Love Program a few years ago when I was a cable news reporter and find it to be a great resource for people wanting to give of their time, money, or services to help those in need in the community year after year!"

So - get into the spirit of "California Giving" by supporting one or a few of the nonprofit organizations listed who submit their "wish list" of volunteer services and donations needed to make the holiday season warm, happy, and healthy for their clients in need.

Visit or contact Casey Falvey if you have any questions at 415-479-5710 ext. 333 or


Novato Fire Squirts Camp

Fire Squirts Camper putting fire outFire Squirts Awards Ceremony

Get an "INSIDE LOOK" at the Novato Fire Foundation's Fire Squirts Camp, which is a week long adventure providing the "chance of a lifetime" for at-risk children. Campers learn teamwork, life building and life saving skills, self confidence, and trust in others.


Please check back for additional CA Living "IN THE SPOTLIGHT" PSA's and show segments going on-demand - and for the latest show info. on our next line up!





California Giving Spotlight:

Lila Rach

Play PSA on TMMC Adopt A Seal Program


spacerHelen Hunt - Oscar Award Winner, Producer, Director, Actor, Screenwriter

Play CA Living TV'S "IN THE SPOTLIGHT" feature on Oscar Award Winner Helen Hunt for her 60 sec. Movie she directed featuring Lisa Nigro - the winner of the Frito-Lay's True North Snacks ~ Oscar Contest which debuted in the 2009 Oscar's!_____


Special Features on Community Programs and Organizations "In The Spotlight:"

Marin County Offic of Emergency Services Logo

"Are We Prepared?"

Click here for a behind the scenes look at Disaster Preparedness in Marin County, CA


Aprilanne with Captain Maggie McDonogh, Angel Island Tiburon Ferry

A special thanks to "Captain Maggie" Maggie McDonogh and the Angel Island Tiburon Ferry for sponsoring CA Living's "IN THE SPOTLIGHT coverage of The MMC Adopt A Seal Program which supports the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of injured and sick marine mammals - You're the GREATEST Maggie!


Garnett the seal


Stepping out on the town for "the cause..."

Aprilanne Hurley & Hilary Newsom on the production set to film "Step out on the town for a Cause" - Breast Cancer Awareness Month Campaign

Aprilanne with Hilary Newsom filming "Step out on the town for the Cause" - TV Campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. CA Living produced and featured TV campaigns for numerous events involving breast cancer education, prevention and research.For more information on breast cancer prevention and related fundraising activities visit Northern California Cancer Center where Hilary sits on the Board of Trustees.

The Breast Cancer Emergency Fund

Play "This Old Bag" 45 sec. promo

A special "Thank you" to Hilary Newsom for giving us the INSIDE LOOK at these phenomenal ways we can help raise an awareness for Breast Cancer prevention," and to everyone who attended these events supporting Breast Cancer awareness, research, and education, Thanks so much- Aprilanne


We want to hear from you!

Nonprofit organizations interested in media support with California Living's "IN THE SPOTLIGHT" program and corporations or individuals interested in supporting your community are encouraged to call producer, show host, Aprilanne Hurley @ 415.209.0722 for more information on this community outreach program.

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