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CA Living Beach Body Workout

Here is One Exercise that shapes your thighs, abs, back, chest and shoulders all at once:

"The Double Crunch"

1. Lie face up with knees bent toes on floor, a 3-5 pound medicine ball gripped between your ankles. With arms at your sides, contract abs and straighten legs perpendicular to the floor. (not shown)

2. Lifting your head and shoulder blades a few inches - reach up and grab the ball with both hands (see #2 below)

2.spacerTotal Reach - 13.Reach back up4.Reach up closer

3. Lowering legs slightly, bring upper body almost all the way to floor as you lower ball behind you until arms are even with ears.

4. Crunch up again,(see # 4 above) placing the ball between the ankles, then bend knees and lower toes, arms and torso to floor to complete 1 rep. (See # 5 below). Do 10 - 12 reps. To progress, use a heavier medicine ball.

5.Total Reach - 1

Note: The photos provided on this page are for illustration purposes only, and may not show every move, at every point exactly. Follow the written instructions provided as your guide; and always check with your doctor prior to starting any new exercise regimen.

Show Follow-up: "The New Move" # 1

*Circuits are designed to strengthen muscles while adding a fat-burning element in a very time efficient manner. So while your performing the exercises, you're heart rate remains elevated to boost your overall fitness level. Try adding or substituting the exercise below to your circuit for additional fitness benefits - it is a great compound movement working the inner thighs, glutes, and shoulders:

THE SIDE LUNGE: 1. Begin with your feet together and stand with the ball in front of you (see #1 below).

1spacer.Side-Lunge-1spacer2.Side Lunge - 23.Side Lunge Push Off

2. Raise the ball over your head as you bend one knee and bring the other leg out to the side, with toes pointing to the front . As you're lunging, raise the ball above the head, concentrating on contracting the shoulders - Pause...

3- 4. Push off with the bent leg and lunge to the other side , lowering and raising the ball again while switching sides (see #4 below), Pause and repeat to complete number of desired reps.



Intermediate/Advanced Levels: Do up to four sets of 25 reps. on each side, follow with a 1 minute Cardio Blast and proceed to the next exercise in your Circuit.

Beginners: Start with one set of 25 reps on each side and add sets as you progress in stamina and strength.



Always check with your Doctor or Health Care provider prior to starting any new workout regimen.

Click Here for more information on Circuit Training

Click Here to watch the CA Living Beach-Body Workout On-Demand


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Toned by Tonight - The Workout

Busy Ladies - Get the secret moves and tips & tricks to looking and feeling Great!

Play 15 sec. Promo

Play 4 min. "Toned-by-Tonight" Workout

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Aprilanne Hurley started instructing in the fitness world in the 1980's, working as a Fitness Specialist with the Elaine Powers Figure Salons (East Coast) teaching "American Yoga," and "Total Body Fitness." As she progressed, the role of fitness in her life evolved into a passion for making fitness practical, accessible, healthy and fun for others through TV segments such as:

-"Mission Stay-Fit" - A comprehensive look at ways to get and stay fit.

-"The Stress - Fat Connection," A look at how too much cortisol (a stress hormone) effects the body, and how exercise counteracts the negative effects of stress on the body.

- "Breast Cancer Prevention Special Report" - In Part -2 of Aprilanne's Special TV Report on "Breast Cancer Prevention" the focus was on the connection between stress and Breast Cancer, empowering viewers with ways meditation and exercise can be used to combat the negative effects of stress, and reduce their risk for diseases such as cancer.

We are looking forward to bringing you more Health & Fitness Special Features in the months to come - after all - "Good Health is a big part of Good Living - California Living." Aprilanne may be contacted at:

About Aprilanne Hurley

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